The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – The Adventure Game: Dawnguard Expansion

Modiphius Entertainment SKU: MUH106004

Only 2 units left


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Thematic, good narrative game.

Put Down the Skooma and Pick This Up!

This is an outstanding adaptation of the Elder Scrolls IP to the table top format. The game itself is great, even if you’re unfamiliar with the world, but it immediately conjures up the same theme and feel of the games. The number of side quests add a ton of replay value and you get a sense of the video game's level of exploration. You can choose to read the manual, which is fairly straight forward, or just dive right into the game’s tutorial mode, which is handy, if you want to get right into the action. The hero minis are well made and I don’t really miss not having miniatures for the monsters. You might want to add the expanded minis pack, but I’ll probably take a pass and go for the other expansions first. The components are well made and the included zip lock bags and trays are handy for storage.

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